The play(>)yard is a small mobile + electronics store. Our client’s main goal was to have a customer friendly profile and to have a very small and eclectic gamma of products so that its clients will not be lost in a huge variety.
The store’s core is represented with a spherical desk in the center where people can get acquainted with the products. The rest of the store is separated in material zones where all the products are categorized along the walls. Felt and wood cover the main wall on the side, creating a cozy environment.
The facade of the store shapes the symbol “play” (>) where in combination with the name >yard transfers you to this special place of recreation, the play yard. Between the wall and the arrow there is a vacant window ending in a small recess on the side wall where you can see people playing with gaming machines. The glass of the whole facade is made of crystal printed with gradient white color up to the height where the products are placed inside.
Pilot Store
In progress